Genesis Sun Ascension Programmes

A hosted modern community network for young black people to feel connected, inspired and entertained.

Take a look at our programme services to inspire a brighter future for your child or Register today for more information.

Programme Framework


We work with significant high-achieving relatable role models from a variety of industry sectors to inspire and encourage young black people, through experiences and connections which empower and unlock full potential.


Programmes develop life and work readiness skills in preparation for future employment and to support improvements in workplace diversity.

Black history is included to provide a more comprehensive understanding of history and to support positive racial identity development.


Genesis Sun’s unique monthly programmes combine inspiration, music and entertainment to uplift spirits and stimulate the minds and curiosity of young black people by celebrating cultural heritage and personal development.

Workplace Horizons

A networking solution to help you achieve your EDI goals.

We provide affiliate organisations with access to a wider variety of ideas and the ability to look at problems and solutions from different angles, leading to unique and original results.

We empower those who have traditionally been denied a voice.

Can we help you? Visit our careers service for more information.

Careers Framework


Identifying appropriate candidates through networking and promotion and providing equitable access to meaningful work opportunities.


Provision of upskill and business readiness training through affiliation including education and career guidance.


Career opportunities following readiness provision through a variety of affiliations.